
Greetings all you ghouls and fools to www.PUzine.com! Our motto here at good ol' PU is that if it's Underground and in Pittsburgh - WE DIG IT!!!

Check back periodically for new articles, links, artwork, and more for all things in the Pittsburgh Underground! You can follow us on our Official Facebook Page, Dead Zed Zombie Twitter Page, and PU Youtube Channel as well and don't forget to Like Us, Subscribe, and shoot us the occasional email at PU@PUzine.com or comment - we always love to hear from our minions!

Also, don't forget that if you have a kitschy, kooky, and ooky event here (or near) the Pittsburgh area and want us to get the word out with ALL the details (a few weeks in advance please) and we'll do our best to spread the word. Until then...

Stay Smokin,
Co-Founder / Pittsburgh Underground

Thursday, January 31, 2013

PU Pulp Posters: It Reeks Of Dinos / Issue 3

It Reeks Of Dinos / Issue 3 / Revenge of the Rancorous Ridgemont Reptiles!
PU Artist, Karl 'Chops' Huber
(Click to Download a Full Version)

Rising from the depths of the Pittsburgh Underground - a burbling, a spurgling, and a gurgling - with one main  objective: to hand over this month's PU Pulp Poster - the goods, the stuff, the special delivery for all you leapin' lizards - and get this... it's all for FREE!!!

That's right you little ingrates! It's time again for another PU Pulp Poster! This month, our old pal
Chops Huber has bled all over the page once more, this time bringing us
It Reeks of Dinos / Issue 3 / Revenge of the Rancorous Ridgemont Reptiles!

Those eyes! Those scales! Those webbed toes! If it could growl it would be music to our tympanic membranes! Just right click and save to collect this month's free poster! Don't forget, after you've printed your copy to staple to your sister you can scan the code with your smart phone to instantly take you to all the fang-filled fun of the Pittsburgh Underground!

Keep your eyes peeled and your ears to the ground for more cold blooded calamities from your pals here at good ol' PU!!!

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