
Greetings all you ghouls and fools to www.PUzine.com! Our motto here at good ol' PU is that if it's Underground and in Pittsburgh - WE DIG IT!!!

Check back periodically for new articles, links, artwork, and more for all things in the Pittsburgh Underground! You can follow us on our Official Facebook Page, Dead Zed Zombie Twitter Page, and PU Youtube Channel as well and don't forget to Like Us, Subscribe, and shoot us the occasional email at PU@PUzine.com or comment - we always love to hear from our minions!

Also, don't forget that if you have a kitschy, kooky, and ooky event here (or near) the Pittsburgh area and want us to get the word out with ALL the details (a few weeks in advance please) and we'll do our best to spread the word. Until then...

Stay Smokin,
Co-Founder / Pittsburgh Underground

Friday, July 27, 2012

Announcement: Pittsburgh 48 Hour Film Project Premieres THIS SATURDAY!!!

It's that time again ladies and germs! Pittsburgh's 48 Hour Film Project premeires this Saturday, July 28th and Sunday, July 29th, and Best of Screening and Awards on Friday, August 3rd at 7PM at the Hollywood Theater in Dormont.

The 48 Hour Film Project's mission is to advance filmmaking and promote filmmakers. Through its festival/competition, the Project encourages filmmakers and would-be filmmakers to get out there and make movies. The tight deadline of 48 hours puts the focus squarely on the filmmakers—emphasizing creativity and teamwork skills. While the time limit places an unusual restriction on the filmmakers, it is also liberating by putting an emphasis on "doing" instead of "talking."

Tickets are $8 for adults, $6 with vaild student ID, and $5 for kids under 12 years of age per screening. All Screen Passes are $20. Tickets for the event can be purchased HERE.

Support your local independant film makers for a fun night for all!


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Announcement: BEST Up-and-Coming Artists in the 'Burgh Article Featuring Pittsburgh Underground

Howdy gang! Well not to toot our own horns or anything, but GUESS WHAT!!! You're old pals
Chops Huber and yours truly, Hot Toddy have been featured as 1 of 5 Up-and-Coming Pittsburgh Artists featured in a brand new article on the CBS Pittsburgh Website (I know! We were as SHOCKED as YOU!!!).

Written by local scribe, Dev Meyers, the article talks a little bit about all the mayhem we induce at good ol' PU keeping in mind our main goal to connect artists with artists, and then likewise to their audience.


But seriously! It's not all about us man! The article also features some amazing artists from our area including the fine folks at The Artist Market in Lawrenceville, glass mosaic creator Daviea Davis, clay and ceramics craftsman Mel Griffen,  and master metalsmith Warren Holzman of the Society For Contemporary Craft! Don't forget to check out their websites and give them some love (tell 'em PU sent you!).

It's incredibly flattering to be mentioned along with these incredibly talented artists - big thanks to Dev Meyers for the gracious inclusion. More stories from Dev Meyers can be viewed here at The Examiner.

Lastly, always remember that although Pittsburgh Underground started out as a way for Chops and I to stretch our creativity muscles, PU has become a way for us to let everyone in the 'burgh know what's worth diggin'. We're always looking for something kitchy, a little nitchy, and a whole lotta twitchy - so let us know about your art opening, film screening, burlesque show, bellydancing hafla, occultist garage sale - everything's up for grabs at good ol' PU!

Email us at PU@PU-Zine.com or directly to me at Hot-Toddy@PU-Zine.com to give us the scoop!

Monday, July 23, 2012

PU It STINKS!: Aurora Colorado Shootings

The gang here at Pittsburgh Underground wanted to post it's deepest sympathies to all involved in the tragic shootings in Aurora, Colorado last week while attending the midnight premiere of Batman: The Dark Knight Rises.

To say that the the PU gang absorbed this incident in an incredibly personal way would be an understatement. We've attended midnight showings in the past of our favorite movies, only looking for a small escape from our everyday lives by sharing the thrill and excitement that cinema can bring with like minded folks from all walks of life - even if it is only for a few short hours.

The theater patrons that attended this showing are all kindred spirits and our hearts and prayers go with all those who were drawn into this sad drama - the theater patrons, their families and friends, the EMTs, the police, the theater owners, and all those involved in the production of the movie.

At this point, we usually end with our usual battle cry when something of this nature rattles us - this time it goes without saying, along with a silent moment of reflection for the folks in Aurora, Colorado.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Movies That Have Everything Preview: Batman - The Dark Knight Rises

The gang at Pittsburgh Underground had made a pact - we would not indulge ourselves in anything Batman as it was being filmed in our fair city of Pittsburgh. The main reason being that before the original Tim Burton Batman had been released in 1989, the PU gang had acquired a copy of it's script, of course reading it from cover to cover before viewing it in the theater. This made for the most surreal experience of our movie going lives as we knew what was going to be said from each character and what would happen from moment to moment, giving us a feeling of faux precognition the first 126 minutes in which we viewed the blockbuster (I say first because we went back to the theater many more times to rewatch it than we want to admit).

Fast forward 23 years to Christopher Nolan's take on our favorite hero which premieres today at theaters across the country, rounding out the trilogy in Batman: The Dark Knight Rises. Christian Bale reprises the role of Batman along with Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox, Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth, and Gary Oldman as the BEST Commissioner Gordon we've seen in years. Joining him are Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle (aka Catwoman) and Tom Hardy as Bane, the villian hellbent on giving Gotham City the old one-two punch! Check out the trailer below:

Batman: The Dark Knight Rises (2012 Trailer)

Pittsburgh Underground is opening the flood gates on Batman today as well! We'll be at the theaters this weekend for the Bat-tastic experience and to celebrate we wanted to also include a BUNCH of behind the scenes footage shot here in Pittsburgh. So click below to view the MOVIE MAGIC!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Announcement: EJays's Hosts 2nd Annual Summer of Scares THIS Saturday!!!

Hey gang! Our old pals over at the Horror Realm present their 2nd Annual Summer of Scares, teaming up with the good folks over at Ejay's Used Books, (3233 West Liberty Avenue in Dormont) and The Hollywood Theater (1449 Potomac Ave. in Dormont), showcasing local horror authors who are either self published or work with independent publishing companies.

Visit Ejay's this Saturday, July 21st at 2pm, continuing each Saturday till August 11th. This FREE event will feature a local author reading selections from their book(s), participating in a question and answer session, and signing books. Eljay’s is offering a 20% discount on used horror titles every Saturday in July and August to celebrate the Summer of Scares.

The schedule is as follows:
July 21:  Lucy Leitner reads from Working Stiffs, her hilarious, action-packed tale of surviving zombies in the office.

July 28: DIY Author Chat with Chris Rickert and Christine Soltis. Aspiring author can talk to a published horror author (Christine Soltis) and an expert in author marketing (Eljay’s co-owner Chris Rickert) about the novel they want to write/ have written/ want to have stocked in local stores.

August 11: Denise Verrico signs Immortyl Revolution, a dark fantasy vampire novel series following vampires Kurt, Mia and Cedric in their fight for freedom.

So come on out to Ejay's Used Books and meet up with this scarey society of scribblers for another fun filled event sponsored by our friends at The Horror Realm & The Hollywood Theater.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

PU It Stinks!: It's HOT!!!

Dogs are panting. Asses stick to seats. Everything is melting. In a word it's bloody, blinkin' HOT!!!

No, this is not weather for the living or the undead to be caught in. Yes, we know it's July, but remember when the hottest heatwave from summer's past only reached the low to mid 90's? When orange popsicles didn't evaporate before your tongue hit the artificial flavoring? When you could take your dog to the park to play ball rather than to lick them in order to cool off? When you didn't have to hide under a rock like a vampire for a full month because our evenings were still the coolest part of our existence?

Welcome to hell on earth (or at least hell in Pittsburgh). Talking extreme temperatures has become water cooler fodder as of late. I hear it from folks at least ten times a day, "My car told me it was 101 when I left from work today" or "as I was walking near the bank downtown the temperature read 105 degrees" as if I need to be reminded of how intolerable the weather has been lately. Don't the flames billowing off my shoulders indicate I'm being barbecued alive?


Friday, July 6, 2012

Movies That Have Everything Preview: The Amazing Spider-Man

Spidey-sense is tingling true believers!!! It's FINALLY here!!! The Amazing Spider-Man debuted this week and in two days has spun a web of moola. Spidey had the 2nd best 4th of July opening at $23.4 million (just after Transformers) as only a spider can! Check out the trailer below!!!
The Amazing Spider-Man (2012 Trailer)

Staring Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker and Emma Stone as Gwen Stacey, the $220 million big budget blockbuster is a reboot of the Marvel mainstay with Rhys Ifans as Kurt Connors aka The Lizard as the big baddy. The story focuses out hero, Peter, as he unravels the mystery of his parents deaths which of course results in him living with his Uncle Ben (Martin Sheen) and Aunt May (Sally Field).

So swing on over to your local, AIR CONDITIONED, theater and enjoy the web head spin another amazing adventure!!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Artsy Fartsy Review: The No Name Players Present Orange Flower Water

Hello one and all and welcome to my first review of the underground summer theater season! Roughly one year ago I was incredibly fortunate to be invited to a performance by a small, underground theater troupe that I hadn't heard of before, but was very curious to experience first hand, Pittsburgh's own - The No Name Players.

Live theater is something that everyone should experience as often as possible. At it's essence, it's all about make-believe. Suspending all belief for an hour or so to allow a few talented folks to transport you instantly to wherever they wish - All you got to do is keep your arms and hands inside the car at all times and enjoy the ride. This is something that the No Name Players excel at in spades in their latest production, Orange Flower Water.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Artsy Fartsy: Frizzy Haired Ladies Lament - PU Poetry by Yerz Trooley

The Frizzy-Haired Ladies’ Lament 

For those of us who live in climes in local eastern standard times 
Who watch the weatherman each day ‘cause if it rains to our dismay 
We’ll leave the house all in a tizzy to face our day with hair that’s frizzy. 

Humidity that’s on the rise or drizzle that we all despise, 
Our mane becomes a kinky blob and turns us to a frumpled slob 
Like Cosmo Kramer on the tube, whose high hair gleams of multi-lube. 

The TV ads that dangle bait of sleek and shiny hair that’s straight, 
We drop our bucks to buy their gunk, in bottles, cans and other junk 
Or tools that scorch and fry our locks in efforts to knock off your socks. 
But no matter what our bottom line, we’ll still look just like Larry Fine. 

Those of you with naturally straight long hair it seems can hardly wait 
To ask us why we don’t enjoy our natural waves and jump for joy. 
Because, we answer, your fine hair does not need tamed with whip and chair. 
Just as a lion tamer will to tame the beast that
 -  won’t lie still. 

Perhaps we should give up our quest, accept our fate without protest 
For hair that’s smooth as baby’s bum, not rough like chewed-up bubble gum. 
But wouldn’t it be great instead to get ourselves up out of bed 
And see a head of hair that’s killer? But still we channel Phyllis Diller! 

The best that we can do I think, short of going to the brink 
Of pulling off a Britney Spears and shaving it all off with shears 
Is move along to different shores where walking in the out of doors
Means coming home to hair that shines and doesn’t look like Larry Fine’s! 

Yerz Trooley
©August 2009
…proud owner of a flatiron that heats to 3,000 degrees!

Gilda Radner as Roseanne Roseannadanna
(Gilda LIVE 1979)