Art All Night Lawrenceville is celebrating its 16th year. From Saturday, April 27th at 4PM through Sunday, April 28th at 2PM, Art All Night 2013 makes its home in the Willow Street Development at 4001 Willow Street, located at the corner of Willow and 40th Street (click go check out the map).
Admission is FREE and the event is open to the public. In the 16 years since its inception, Art All Night has become one of Pittsburgh’s most popular arts event. The roving event that hosted 1,240 artists, 36 performances, and 12,000+ attendees last year may be unrecognizable from the small, intimate exhibit of 101 artists and 200 attendees in 1998, but the core values remain the same: No Fees, No Jury, No Censorship. Art All Night is FREE to attend and FREE to participating artists. Check out some footage of the event from prior years:
13 Annual Art All Night Footage
Art All Night continues its grassroots tradition 16 years after it was first established; it’s organized by an all-volunteer committee, aided by hundreds of additional volunteers who help prepare the venue, clean up afterward, and do all the things in-between. Volunteers register the art pieces, hang them, man the retail tables, lead the children’s activities and create the on-site art. The online volunteer signup page is up and running for those who would like to help out with the event.
Art All Night 2013 will take advantage of the 50,000 square feet of the Willow Street Development with even more art pieces, performances and patrons. There will be several designated areas housing bands, dance troupes, theater performances, and more! Check out the Events Schedule for more info.
Also, there will be participatory art for young and old who want to let their inner creativity shine - check out the Participatory Art Schedule along with the Children's Art Schedule!
So get over to good ol' Larry-ville this weekend for a little culture, some wham-bang performances, and an evening that you won't soon forget! The gang here at Pittsburgh Underground hopes to see you there!
"Artsy Fartsy"
I haven't heard that in quite a few years.
I've heard it so much in my lifetime that sometimes I hear it in my sleep! It's all part of the curse/blessing of being a creator I guess...
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