
Greetings all you ghouls and fools to www.PUzine.com! Our motto here at good ol' PU is that if it's Underground and in Pittsburgh - WE DIG IT!!!

Check back periodically for new articles, links, artwork, and more for all things in the Pittsburgh Underground! You can follow us on our Official Facebook Page, Dead Zed Zombie Twitter Page, and PU Youtube Channel as well and don't forget to Like Us, Subscribe, and shoot us the occasional email at PU@PUzine.com or comment - we always love to hear from our minions!

Also, don't forget that if you have a kitschy, kooky, and ooky event here (or near) the Pittsburgh area and want us to get the word out with ALL the details (a few weeks in advance please) and we'll do our best to spread the word. Until then...

Stay Smokin,
Co-Founder / Pittsburgh Underground

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

PU it Stinks!: Back to the Grind...


Happy bloody New Year my minions! Well here we go again… the holidays have now melted away from memory leaving only the course grit of the daily grind ahead. I don’t know about you, but after having two full weeks of uninterrupted bliss only to be forced back into the daily reality of our everyday survival has been more of a urinal cake than a cake walk.

The worst of this grim return comes from the inevitable adjustment period that most of us have to make from ‘care-free’ lifestyle while off on holiday to the overly regimented oppression we soak up daily in order to cobble out a meager living for ourselves. Although being thankful for having a way to support oneself can’t be overlooked, it can however, numb us to the constant gorging from the shit trough in order to achieve that universal goal that we all strive for - complete and utter freedom to do whatever it is we want to do, even if it is only for a few measly weeks out of the long year.

Not to beat a dead horse, just understand that the gang and I from Pittsburgh Underground completely sympathize with your plight. If your week has been anything like mine – bottomless meetings that equate to being hit in the head with a sack of hammers, endless small talk about topics no one cares about, and irritating commutes within a sea the of fools then you’re in good company. Finally, factor in acclimating yourself to ungodly wake up times tangled up in sleepless nights, forced feeding schedules with lackluster, yet pricey, cafeteria food combined with overly-sunny co-workers that can’t wait to start the work year and you get where I’m coming from – the ratio of shit eating to blissful ‘me’ time is a grossly mismanaged mess.

Now… with that off my chest, just remember that the gang here at PU gets it and we are here to soften the inevitable blow to your shattered soul caused by your daily dose of bending over. Stop back soon – we have lots of fun to keep your mind off the pain. You are not alone in this fight so when the world has got you ground down to a bloody pulp, just remember...


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