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Stay Smokin,
Co-Founder / Pittsburgh Underground

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

PU It Stinks! Officer DICK Finally Gets SCREWED!!!

Hi kids! It's been a while since the gang here at good ol' PU had something stink-worthy enough for this particular column (as most of our regular viewers know, we try to keep things as positive as possible here in the Underground), but this was one story that we couldn't pass up!

Big Bully Boy, Former Officer Richard White

Oh how the mighty have fallen (insert villainous smiles here). KDKA broke the story yesterday about a Ross Township favorite - motorcycle officer, Richard White who was caught watering his own little crop of pot plants behind the Cascades apartment complex on Cemetery Lane.

(Click Below To Continue...)

Now granted, we here at good ol' PU have no problem with the medicinal uses of the little herb, nor the victimless crimes associated with it. What we do have a problem with is the absolute hypocrisy of former officer White (he was abruptly removed from duty after refusing to take a drug test) who was known for what his peers call an  'exemplary' record, but what the public experienced as nothing more than the harassing of any citizen within his grubby reach.

That's right kids - even the gang here at good ol' PU had witnessed the bullying of former officer White first hand to many of the good citizens of Ross Township (and even experienced the 'fun' for ourselves).  Now this genius is facing investigation by the district attorney's office as his brilliance was completely caught on camera.

Condemning others as a way to create a smoke screen for their own wrong doings is something we see in a lot of public servants these days - politicians, military personnel, and law enforcement officials to name a few that make it harder for the true heroes that deserve our respect for their service. To see this award winner finally get what's coming to him does give us a little hope that there is still a little karma in this universe. It also proves that a lot of these 'tough' cops are nothing more than criminals with badges. Thanks 'Dick' for proving our point with flying colors!

For anyone who would like to read more about this story, check out the news links below:

KDKA: Ross Officer Possbily Involved In Drug Operation

KDKA:: Official Newstory, Former Officier Richard White Under Drug Operation Investigation

WTAE: Officer Caught Watering Pot Plant, Police Say

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