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Stay Smokin,
Co-Founder / Pittsburgh Underground

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Geek Gear: Hey Lady! Nice Melons!

Hey kids! I don't know about you, but I think it's bloody HOT outside! Hot, sticky, and all around nasty with no end in sight. With that said, the only relief on the horizon is to endulge in summer's sticker treats... sweet, juicy, huge, melons...

With that said, this week the gang from good ol' PU brings you the tech & science of the watermelon. What can I say - it's a sticky subject that bursts with flavor, but not one that the gang from Pittsburgh Underground won't take a stab at.

(Click Below To Continue...)

Take Your Melons For A Stroll
This first piece of tech comes from our friends in Japan. The Marugoto Tamachan from Joybond is both a watermelon cooler and heater (yes, you heard right). The heating feature is ment to warm things like beverages (mmm... sake anyone?). Just think, for a mere $230.00 you can own your very own temperature controlled melon stroller! Can't you just see it now - Japanese housewives strolling around with their melons in tow... mmm... melony...

The Marugoto Tamachan from Joybond

Melons for Squares
For those of you who haven't heard, our Japanese friends have once again advanced melon technology and developed a square watermelon. Now before you say, "I like my melons big and round, not square and flat!", think of the practicality of a square melon! This idea was developed by a farmer from Zentsuji in Kagawa as a way to allow grocers and consumers could keep melons stacked like bricks, rather than have them jiggle around when in their natural state.

Thinking Out Of The Box: Square Watermelons

For those of you who would like to try and grow your own square watermelon, check out this how-to from our pals at Instructables!

Expolsive Melons!
Continuing in the name of melon science, this next bit shows just what can happen to a defenseless watermelon if shocked with 10,000 volts of electricity. Wow! I can't wait to try this one at home kids!

BLAM!!! We Love Melons That POP!!!

Don't Neglect Your Melons!
Once again, in the name of SCIENCE we bring you time lapse photography showing what happens when you don't care for your melons properly.
I Hate To See Good Melons Go To Waste

MMM... Mothers Milk!
This last bit is brought to you by our friends at SPIKE TV. What would summer be like without a little something to sip on? Matt from the People's Lounge in NYC shows us how to make a Watermelon Cooler.

Mmm... Tastes Like Liquid Snagglepus

Hope you enjoyed this melon edition of Geek Gear - join us next Wednesday for some more fun filled info clean your colon!

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